Friday, September 26, 2008


So Nicole sent a bunch of us text messages but just in case people did not get one..... Nathan is coming home!!!!! Very soon actually...

He flies out of Olsen (I have no idea where that is or if it is the right word lol) on November 8

And Then-------

He will be flying into the states on November 14th :) So start getting very exciting!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Flash of Genius

thought you might wanna see this.... since we are mostly a ford family :) love ya


All I have to say is ITALY!!! 11 weeks of me in Italy, one is all by myself traveling around Italy, cheaper than a semester at MSU, 2 Italian classes, one class where I tour rome for 2 hours twice a week, and one that I have not picked yet :) I am so freaking excited!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is why there are no spiders in PR

We're still out here. Nothing going on here just a lot of RAIN!!! There is a big red blob over us on I think the nursery rhyme is correct... i have only seen 1 spider and I think it is because the rain washes them all away! (now i'm probably going to see millions!)
Oh there was so much rain that a guy that I work with found his car floating away in the parking lot!!! Not sure what kind of car it is probably a mini cooper or something but still floating cars!

We just wanted to say hi! Hope everyone is doing well!
stacie and quenten

Friday, September 19, 2008


Alright so.... I will not be going to PR or NYC for spring break which is a major downer but I did get the site leader position for Asheville! So I will be home for Spring Break (but I will be working the whole time with Mountain Area Housing Network). I get to play tour guide for 12 Michigan people lol!

Matt has two interviews next week so we are hoping for the best. One is with Rousch/Ford and it is a face to face interview (he made it through the first phone interview and the hiring manager :) ) and the other is with TAC Manufacturing and it is another phone interview. So Hopefully one will work out! We have one week left and he is done with school :)

Hmmm... oh a couple more things.... I am going to start volunteering with two new groups!!! The first one is Footprints Residential Treatment Facility (I will be mentoring juvenile female offenders) and the other one (which I am stoked about) is Ele's Place. Ele's Place is super awesome! They work with grieving children through the Hospice's in and around Lansing and the hospitals around here. I am starting out with office work but once I go through my training in December I will get to start working with the kids and the families to help them through their loss. My advisor is concerned I will get too attached or involved but thinks it will be a super chance for me to work on that (so when I am in the feild I hopefully will not do that)!

So yeah that is about it for us.... We are looking for new apartments in Jackson (just in case matt gets the TAC job) hopefully with two bedrooms so we have more room for all of our crap haha! Love you guys!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We took Aiden to the WNC Fair on Friday night. We had a great time, and Aiden loves COWS!
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My New Game

This is the new game called SPORE. I am not much of a gamer, but it is quite cute and fun :) I can make my character dance and do tricks. Isn't it cute!!! Anyways we're just hangin out on a Sunday afternoon. Quenten finally made it back from the VI, after his boat broke down and they had to be towed back by one of the cutters. Not much else is new. No storms our way..... at the moment :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

This week !!

So this was an interesting week for us! For one our gas (at least in Lansing) went up to almost $6 a gallon (until police started reporting gas stations for price gouging) but as of now it is still like $4.50 a gallon which sucks. It has rained non-stop for like 5 days now which is another downer.... and I got pulled over for going too slow by a dumb Michigan State Trooper. I in all honesty wanted to punch him in his face (but I refrained).

On the job front... Matt got an interview with Roush (sp) to be an NVH engineer. He put the application in and they called him within an hour which is a good sign. He has two weeks left :) It is only a part time position meaning he will not get benefits but he will still be getting paid well and working at least 35 hours a week so no worries there. After the contract runs out he would be hired full time (hopefully.. that is what the hiring manager said). He got some more callbacks and did some more phone interviews and now one of his profs is helping him out with his search now. So we are just waiting on somebody to give him an official job offer.

I have some exciting scholarship news but I want to wait until it is official before I share it with yall! Hopefully when we come home for Christmas this year I will be able to tell yall for sure.

Ahh last thing... I got my placement information for next year for SW. I have a couple of agencies to choose from but at this point I will be working with the Ingham county court with kids that are going through the courts!! YAY! I hope everybody has been having a great week :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey Katie and Matt

Sorry the job search isn't going well. I can't remember what your degree is in exactly, but the federal government is always a good place to look... the website is pretty self explanatory (choose your city/state and then go for it. Don't have to choose anything else) so check it out at

Good Luck!

Note to everyone... Christmas in Greenwood on Saturday Dec 20! Hopefully all can be there. Additional details to come later!

Loves to all!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Job Search

So the job search thing is not going well :( Matt has gotten a few callbacks but in general they are all to say thanks but no thanks! Which kinda sucks.....

We are looking for any job search advice that yall can offer...esp. from those of yall that just went through it.. any good sites to visit? any good companies in mind to check out? We are only two weeks out before he graduates so at this point anything even closely related he is considering.

p.s. since when does entry level include 5-7 years experience???? these job adds are freaking crazy :(

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Texas anyone?

This is all we know, don't have anymore details. Nicole sent a text yesterday...that right after Nathan gets home...they will be relocated to Texas. Don't know which base yet, or exactly how soon. Just wanted to let everyone know.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Now this is just Classic :)

hehehehehe actually had the camera there when she did it and caught it on camera. Had to make it a little music video for your enjoyment.

Eventful day!

We got new furniture!!! YAY !!! (i know you are thinking why white?) It is HUGE! we liked a brown one but this one was just a bit longer so we went with it. And they are so darn comfy! way better than our bamboo furniture that has become patio furniture (what it was born to be).

Now i think i'm going to paint the wall so its not so washed out. and definately getting curtains!

the same day we got the furniture delivered (viewer beware): Quenten went surfing and was waiting on our neighbor while standing on a rock. A wave crashed and made him fall onto the reef and he had a hole in his foot of about a quarter inch. No stitches though. He refused them so he can go to St Thomas or St Croix on Monday *ugh Loser*

oh what do you think of the new layout??
and one more thing: y'all were worried about us and the hurricanes and we got nothin! now we are worried about Quenten's family and all our friends back in Wilmington.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Hey Stacie,
Let us hear from you! Del wants to know if you have a big tree to tie yourself to?