Friday, October 24, 2008

Never ask for a Rum and Coke!

San Juan Baptista Statue... never knew who it was.... always wondered why he was in that strange "we're number 1" position. Now at least one question is answered.

About to take our tour of the Bacardi Factory

The Bacardi Bat : fruit bats were living in the orignal factory and they needed a trade mark. They represent luck and prosperity and something about family

Mom and Dad are here in PR with us!
Just a few pics for starters, and a lesson in bartending ;)

Always ask for BACARDI and Coke :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Alrighty. The News from Etowah.
So, last weekend we attended Aiden's 2nd Birthday party. He is such a cute boy! Going to have to get him over that saggin pant thing though, funny. Then we went to my old churches 50 anniversary with mom and family. Not so much fun, but neat to see some old people from my teenage years. We were suppose to attend Franks 44 birthday but Del got called to Lake Toxaway and didn't get home till late. The boys made it there and wished him a good one.
See, Katy its really boring here.
Ahh. I have quit smoking for 12 days. Del is down to half a pack a day and says that this is going to work.
This weekend is Tiffany's wedding! Outside and its suppose to rain 2 inches. This may get ugly. And I have to make 150 cupcakes for it. Dee is decorating them. Katy plan on rain or have a backup!
Del and Patrick are moving Nicole and Aiden back to Fort Campbell next Friday and Saturday. She found a new place, sounds really nice! They will be able to have a washer and dryer..and its new! That seems to be a rare thing there. Sunday is Zack's Eagle COH.
Nick is working at Ingles in Etowah, Zack is at Office Max in Arden.
Del is putting up walls in "man land". All the wiring is done, now he gets walls! Maybe in 10 more years it will be done. lol
All for now!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Earthquake and Tropical Storm

EARTHQUAKESSSSSSSSSSS The largest yellow square happened on Saturday morning... Yeah I slept riiiight through it :) 6.1 the yellow's represent Earthquakes from the last week. The Blue squares are within the last day. and the red is within the last hour. Larger square means Larger quake.
you can see more at :

And now there is a tropical storm heading this way! Crazy! Apparently there is going to be catastrophic amounts of rainfall. We will keep you posted! We have our supplies ready to go :)

Hopefully PR will still be here between sinking into the PR Trench and getting catastrophic amounts of rain for when my parent's come next week!



Nobody is posting :(

Hello family!!

First of all, your puppy is super cute Stacie! :)

Now for good news, according to daddy Nathan is not going to Texas!!! WOOHOO!

Now for an update on the life and times of Matt and Katy!
Matt graduated (like 2 weeks ago) and is looking for a job now. He has two more interviews this week, one person who is calling to schedule an interview, and one interview in the making that he will have to fly to Texas or Colorado to go to. He is having a little bit more luck lately but we are still looking. We did find a really nice 2 bedroom apt. (for not much more a month than we are paying now) that is close to the most probable job. We obviously have not moved in yet but when our lease runs out we are moving (unless he does not get this job of course). and the best part is that we can get another dog if we move there :). School is good, first round of tests is over (thank god), and now all of the projects are due :(

On a good note, if Matt gets hired with TRAM then we will be able to come home for Thanksgiving!!!! :)

That is it for now! Love you guys!!!

P.S. people need to start posting on here, I know yall have more interesting lives than this ! lol!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Star is very cute! How old is she? I'd say if she is over a year old, don't worry about the foot... it may cause some arthritis later in life, but it won't cause any major problems. It may have been broken at a young age and not fixed correctly (or at all) and that is the way it healed. If she is under a year old, you could talk to the vet there, have some xrays done, and see if there is anything you can do for it, but if I were you, I'd leave it alone unless it's causing her pain/trouble. Surgery can be very costly... anywhere from $700+++.

Arthritis is easily treated (w/ prescription meds or just aspirin) and you could start giving her glucosomine to help "lubricate" the joints. She can take the same stuff that people take (probably around 500/600 mg daily.) It's just like a vitamin.

I'm ready to see the pics of what Q does for a livin... :) He doesn't really work... don't try to lie... he plays in the water all day! It's okay, we all know!!! LOL! J/K.

Can't wait to see ya'll...


Star's Foot

Meet Star :)

We have known her since we moved here in February and she officially became ours in March. She is the CUTEST thing ever! She sleeps under the covers in a tiny little ball right up against me.

Anyways, her foot is crooked :( We are just wondering if it is a serious thing that would need to be corrected or if she is fine with her lil crooked foot? Lauren can you diagnose? or can someone take the photos by Dr. Doug?

And actually both of her front feet are crooked but we are more concerned about the right one. The left one is crooked in a "normal way" if that makes any sense. The last picture shows a good pic of the left one. It kind of just looks like its supposed to be a back leg too. These Puerto Rican dogs!

Look Mom I know how to pose for pictures!

How many more?? I'm tired, its past my bedtime!

Why did i get 3 back legs and one crooked one?

Lose something??? ... or FIND something?????

(ew hope its a toy lost under there i don't want to find a lizzard!!!)
Haha she was doing this while i wrote the Blog so I had to take another picture and put it on here.

Hurley was already upstairs in bed so no Hurley Pics tonight.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Drug Bust

News from USCG Puerto Rico
Some of our friends helped with this. And there was HUGE Navy ship in for it.
By the way they aren't done searching it. There could still be 6 more tons on it in the fuel tanks.
Quenten has some pics of what he actually does on his camera but we havent put them on the computer yet. Maybe this weekend we will have them up! Sorry this is so short. Its been a long day ( i have an ear infection i think but i refuse to go to the doc again this week!!!!!!!!! so self medication it will be!)