Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sorta good news from Michigan!

So... Matt got a job offer. Which is really cool, however.... it was not a job that he applied for it was one that he was contacted about. If he takes the job then he will be working with Chemical Accounts with Toyota (he has until Wednesday to decide). At this point he is taking it and we will be moving to Battle Creek or Jackson within the coming month. So I was kinda curious about somethings.....

-- This job has nothing to do with his degree but at the moment is all he can find... Will he still be able to work in Engineering later? or will him being out of the feild make it hard to find a job?

-- Toyota will pay for him to go back to school for his Masters, should he go ahead and do it? or will it be hard to get a job with little experience and a Masters?

Ahhh... I thought the stress would go away after the job offer came in but it is far more stressful!!! Arg!

Ohhh.. p.s. I am getting ready to start getting ready for my GREs any studying advice??

Love you guys, looks like we will be home for Christmas and maybe Thanksgiving! :)


stacie said...

hey -
I have found that many of my friends have kept their college job after they graduated... due to the amount they get paid and the benefits of Best Buy or wherever else they work, they make more than they would if they got a job in what their degree was in. Lauren is EXTREMELY luky! She is doing what she loves! I am also lucky because I stuck with something even tho it wasn't really what i majored in because had i left Best Buy, i probably wouldn't have a job in PR right now.
It really is a personal and situational thing... Good Luck!

Just remeber this- its hard to find a job PERIOD these days so I vote that he goes and does the masters and Pray and hope for the best! Something else might come along through contacts at Masters school or at Toyota.

That is just my opinion!
love ya!

stacie said...

HHAHAHAHA hows that for a Communications Studies Major! Total run-on sentences!